Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

comp~tnion.r. were kept in De€ember, with great celt in !umptuous feall:s, with variety offports & games, and prefenting of rich gifts. In thefe dayes fervanis· had equall power with their M.afl:ers, and authority to fit at table with them,and have acemm.Qn Gemmand with the-m. We read al- {Q ofthe ob!cene fpeCl:ael~• in the facrifices, called Floralia, . wherein harlets were brought in naked 0n the Theater,&c. But w hern:e comes this? r . Becaufe the Heathens would imitate the Iewes, who 1 by Gods ~ommandemeflt mai ettt And drmk.,e, and feafl: before the Let din atferitag their ·ftlctifices; ~hence looth Iewe$ and Gentiles t0oke cecafion of all carnallliberty and excefle, and to adde wRat Ged never pre- , fcrihed, as to rife up to plAJ. I ::.. B ecaufe idolatry mufr bee ·· : contrary to ~he tnte ·worthip o \ God, wherein repeHtance, gocl- /. ly -