Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

llt~ofe lMxui ' ommittit ,ni fi qui reudit dpr&e&eptu tJt.i: epi[J. 4 ·36 • 3 ly forrow, and a contrite heart is mofi acceptable. Of all creatures an Idolater is mofi:dcparted fro1nGod,a.nd exprefl"eth it in thefe carnall fruits : fo rtAm!Jrofe, alleaging ~his Text; :l'( a mAn givtJ up hirnfolfe 11 lux ury, 6ut hee t/utt depP!rteth from the Commandement of God. 3• As the J dolater is fHrthefi J gene from Gcd, fo God is furl tbell: gone from him,and leaves ~ him to vilefl: and fou1efi Iufts, l the heathen,_Rom.l. 26. to infinite bot!lily nndeanneffe, the Lora revenginglpiritual whoved0me with .corp(l)rall : as his owne Ifrael,jGyningwith BaalPeBr, not onely co1nmitted fpirituall fornication, in bowing to their gods, butde f1 led tl:teirboclies \vith the daughters of Moa6. 4. Our nature is moO: propen£e and ready to plcafure and carnall delight : 1o as wee willingly annexe untoGods worthip