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companions. ilup, whatfoever pleafeth u-s, . th~u: under that cover or pre1 tellce we may more free1 y enj"y it. The counfel1 then of the A- p fi po!l:le, upG~ this ground, is not • 'nnfeaionatle,,Cor..Io. 1.B~not ' idolattrs, aJ tbe] were. Hard it is for •1s to fit down te>eat~dnnk, and rife up to play, but we ~uH: make our belfy,Qt:lr god,and 0ffer facrifices to it,as th~ Romans did to BtJtq,chui in their Baccha: nalia. Ohietl. Eut we are the people of Gt>d,and baptized in the name uf Chrifl: : there is no feare we iliould be Idolaters • .A'If. The I ewes were Gods people, yet fet up the golden Calfe. The Corinthians were Chrifi-ians, converted, and baptized into the name of Chrift, and yet they mufl: beware of the finne of the Iewes. And if we be ChriUians, w·ee mufl: avoyd \ nat onely the <:;alfe it ielfe, but Z even ~---~