Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

;t-9 ~ Jdolatr} and luxury, even thefhows ~nd appearance; cxceffive feafis & want0nnefle, which are in!eparable fruits of "----- it; and thinke how caGe it is,to be fottnd iR the skirts of this ftnne: which is the life the ~ ApofHe makes of this allegation, 11. ICor.10.7. For the fecond generall. · The finnc when did this people fit down :;J~;.v~r::: . to eat>and rife up to play? cumftance <Vfn(w. Even when their cafe was mo!l mifenble, then were 1 they mofl infenuble: for, I 1 , I • They had robbed themfe Ives, ,and made themfelve6 puore, in_thatthe eare~rings and jewels which God had given them from the Egyptians, they befh~w upoli an , idol I. z. They had committed an horrible finne, aggravated fundry way~s. They had turned the glory of an incorruptible God . 1 into the fim ilitude of a Calfe that eateth hay. Tbcy th.at had opened their n1outhes a little · before .____ ----~---------