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companions. -------- ---- before in fing.iag praifes to God for their deliverance out of the Sea, and for the defl:rutl:ion of 'the enemies; with the 1ame mouth fing now to their Idols, 7hefe~'1'e- thy god1, 0 lfr~eel, that brought thee out o(Eg]pt. They hlid ufed their feet, not many d~ycs or weeks bcfore,to walke through the Red Sea tJy a miracle, and now with the·fame feet they dance before th~ Calfe•. Thus was their fint:t e great. 3. For this fearef~tll finne they ·· 3 lye ander·an heavy tlunithment: they were ·now naked, and God was cornmmg to reveng~ upon ther~r: and after he was intreated, at the inftance of M ofts,. to · fpare them, yet for example 3 000, of tl:tem were P-refently ilaine the fame day. They had more need . have beene fafl:ing, and praying, and weepiBg for \ their Llnne : b~t now they fit downe to eat Jmd drinke, and rife up to play. · · Z z . Ob- -