Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

49 6 \ Security ~e~treft _ t9 mi{chiefe. 1\ Obferve this: J:X..svcr are mm Note.. ; nearer mz(eb,efe, then when they · ,S.:ct\re m \ arc mofl io/ly and m1rrv in their fin nc:ard1 1 r. , l h.; '- 1 ~- f r.rmc.r. Common y w en men {0 ffil ijj,, l{: h . ., ! \ \Vfc. I [cry peace, peace, t en 1s peace 1furthdl: off: and Cod comes on i the wicked, wblen they Ioake 1 Ieafl: f0r hitn, as D avid on the ' An1alekites (I Sam. 30. 1 'J.) . when they ·were drinking and dlncing, and moft fecure. We in this land fpecially,if wcwould I enquire what caufes of mourning we have, thould finde finall cau{e '"'f littmg cl~wne to eat 1 and drinke, and of rififlg up to ! play. ~ . 1 x. If we behold the immdation of finne, the increafe of fin.nes againft God and the light 1 of the Gofpell, horrible Idola-· try, excdfe of pride and wantonneffe, a deluge · f drunken~ nefle" a cc:mfufiGn of manifold l di{orders,&c. · 2. Our !ecurity in _the midfi . of jl1dgements : the fword hath fed . . ~-..