Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Secttsity neare.fl to mifchiefc. ftd upon tls, and wee have forgotten it: the plague bath dcftmycd th mfands @f ns, an'd Preached d1rtatcns frill,.hovers about us, ann do m' and lhe\ves his Cmnmiffion to 16 )o, be ftitll in force: and other warnings fcrvc nnt ~ we are corrected, but not infrrntlcd : vV ee eat,and drinke,and play,as tfio!e· that remember not what reckunjng is behinrle for a11 thc:fe thin2.<:. , ·3. ~\\roui~ every man fc:rbufly leoke ever his owne a.ccouflts hce might finde himfelfe other bu!ine{.f::-, then fit downe to c-at ·· and drinke,and rife up'to pi~y . .But is it not ta\\1 full t0 cat and 1 I 1 I. dnnke?. . \ Vkof I Yes, tt Is not law full ondy; · c r:::nures I but neceffary to nouri!11 our hfC, . m0fi: law- \ to repaire frrength decayed, full,and I and enable us to our duties and , how. callings: Nay, more: we IT,lily 1 ufe the creatures, not onely for , neceffity, but for delight~ Go_d hatb given tH leave, liberally to Z i ufe