Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

14~3 J'[J,10~ 1 ~ I Stcurity nearcfl to mifchiefe. ufe his mercies, ·aad furnilhed ·us with variety, farre beyond neceflity : he bath not given bread onely, to firengthen the heart, but oyle to tnake the fAce foine. And hee hath allowed us to feafl: together, and to invite one another,for the mafntaining . ofChrifl:ian love,and cherilhing of mutuall ~ellowlhip :as in the I cafe of /obs!onnes,._\vhich was · not unlawfull, though their fea1 fling er:de~ fe fearefully: and . 1 the Pnm1tive Churches hael l their Agapas, or love-feafls, I mentioned and approved, eABs 2,41)· ' . ! .ff!..:!_cft. \V hat then did this · people other ? A ,;fw. They failed · in many ' things: · - · 1. VVhereas the chiefe end ofeating and drinking, is, to glo11fific God,~ Cor.Ith3~· ~he end oi tbi3 eatmg 21nd drmkmg was>to di!honour God,and honour the Calfe. 2. Wherea~ ·