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Security 1Uitrtfl to mi[chiefe, 499 ~ 2. Whereas eating and drin- z. kingihould fi.t us to our duties and callings, both generall and 1}-,eciall,they by eating and drinking made themfelves tit for no- . thing but play and wantonnefie. 3. ·-vvherctas men ought to 3 eat and drinke according to the ~~11 of nature, in fobricty and indderation, the Text nottth an intemperate and exceffive wart: both , of time and creatures; they fate tlor~ne to it, ad.dictiFig themfelves to the creature, and nothing el[e; ~ 4. Whereas leanings are 4 fea{onable in titnes of joy and gladneffe, thefe feafi in a time when Gods judgements ,arecotnming on the1n for their.fin, and {o the deepefl: forrowwould I better befeeme them : as alf0 . ' 1 did they in N oahs time, The] - Atcanddr.{lnkt,&c. and E[a. 5 • Luk,17.1? J 2.. ngt conjidering the W9rk.! of I God. . .. , ~ow thefe are, types to LJS Vfe. Z 4 (faith