Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

500 xCouo.6 Rufe\ to - '~oMel ... vedm Cl· ring and drinking 1 } RulN f~r eAting -r ---- --~ (faith the ApofHe) that is,common example.r for our inflruE icn,to bewareof immoddr, intemperate,ana fin full eating and drin kin~,that it n~ay not be faid ofus, as of them, The people fat e dowrJe- to cat an'd dtinke. · H ercunto muG: fundry rules be obfervcd : · 1 • W ec mu!t ,eat 2nd drinke our o'Wne: the fwe3tofonr owne brows~not other tnens, as many that cut large fhtves into 9ther mens loaves ; I meane, that which they know is not theirs, but other mens,ifall debu 'verc p~id : this were -an high kinde ofinjafticelcondetnned, z ·J;h~f.l ~· 12. ·fea, we mufl: {u eat~nd · drinke, that weallo\v fome partll for the 'poore,and other occafions,publike or·private,. 2. For n1eafure, tt .1nuft hee according to the c:aifof · natLtre, - or of honefl: and moderate deltght, to keepe us in a fitneffe to godly duties, of hearing,and the reft