Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~tnddrinfdng. _ 1 reil. All that eating or drinking, 1 by which wee make our felv~s heavy, Geepy, t~!lyveldy, and unfit for duties, is .fin full. For this is not a refrdhing, . but oppreffing ; net a refecbon, but a defl:rurfl:iotl ofnature. 1 j. For feafon, it mull: be [c,, I that we eat not up too much time, which.wouJd hinder our · calling3 .: but rather redeeme · time, &phe.f. 5. I 6. A G11netds, . tc.. fit downe to feafting, and not feele the pa {fage ot three ' or foure honres ; whereas perhaps 1 c:me hourc is cediQtts to fit ot~t a .~ 3 I Sennon. . , ~ 4• We myQ: e~t wirfT lll'OriC- : · 4• j.ration of aff~ <ft ion ; n0t to fit at it, !lS . n~e.n that have ncatJ1ir.1g , eHe to doe ; nor : fi1ffer~I:lg ou~ f~lv.es . to be qrygght un,cl·er tlle J1~\.v.er of the:er~atnre, a thofe ·i that ca~ijOt be without thf;! po.t :; or pipe, corrupting themfelves '\ . witbthe creatures., . oftentirne.,s ~ lo!ing~fobriety, modd1:y, cha- · . , z. 5-. ft_~tY~_: ____._.:... . ·