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we be merry? Indeed commonly ~u fpeech bttt carnaH . is t~Rfavoury: but fidl:, we muft eat ana drinke be:.. fore th~ Lo.rd, and our fpeeches mull be ruch asbefeeme his prefence, and· may be approved of. God that heares thc:m. Secondly, all fpeeches of Chrifl:tans eught to b~ betterthen filence, and to favour offobriety, w· ife~ dome, and grace-in the h~art : for) wh<:Jm call wee to our tables, but Gods dnldren by pro:- · fdiion, who muO: every \~here be like themfelves and their Father? Thirdly, God bath given tlS leave to be mer~y, OUt with this Qnely reG:r21int, Be merry in the . Lord, · ancl not ag~intl: l~im. Nev·er mua God be fet ~ oH.t of. fight, in' our merrimynt~ : ~s doe they; who never think they . can be merry' bu~ in rud~ aml ungodly behavioar, ana wanton . naughty fpeeches, unbefeemipg Chriftia·ps. Plato, and XenopltJon though,t . ~~-----