Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

5.04 Rules for etttinl· -- thm:lght it profi table,that 111~ns. fpee'ches at . t~eir m~ales might - be writt~n~ IfChriftians fhould dce fo:,. wh~t . kinde 'of bookcs woofd they be ?. · 7 _ . 7-.·. In e.ating and drinking we M· ~dirad- . · fl:lu{f" feafon . our h~.art~ with o~s in ea . thefe <Jr the like m~a~tatiOns :.. ti.ng and .. I. Ho\v prone we are to imi 1 d.rinldng. 1 mod~rate joy"' and fo prov0ke · J I 1 God rn onr feafis . /e6iu(pecrcd 1 Ch~r.·•· 6. 'I hi~ fonn~s, . being in likdi'-:o )d gpod men, , an.d ien~ to them t0 fan~ifie themfelv..cs, and himf~If~ Gcrific~d.for, every.o.ne o.f then1 all. · 2 - '· . \Vatchag~nfr ·incitements \vbich we fball not want to for- . gp't our felv:es, ,and arme agJin~ . (hem~ \N e read cf eArJtiton_!f!,. ·1 tl~1at (. beif]g invited tQ ~a feaft \vh:er~ a nqtablc h;trlot was to . b~_ pr~~fen.r, .he asked couqfeUof U'Wenede'!Jus,. what hec fhouH· qoe? ~ who bade him onei_y rclD<;tnber, , tnat hee. was a :Kings fqnpe. So g9qd 111e,n +nay be invited ., . llli ~-----.._.,...:__ __ ----:-~~-~-' ..