Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

, ttf;d d,.inkjng. ~- 5CS vitcd, where none of the bdl --- may meet; the befr counf~ll is, \· . Kecpe ever in m·iJ.1ae that you i areKing3 tonnes,Gods children, I and a_ baie thing it were for fuch~ to be aUur'ed by the wicked t" 1 ,things unfeernc1y. I 1 '3,. Mingle our feafHng with ' ~ med-itation · of our·.-end. and 3 mortality. J 1Jflph had hi~ tombe in his gardoJ.1 to . fea!on his de- l l~ghts with meditati:m of his f death : The Egyptians q.ad- a Ske_leton or carkaffe brGught into their fcaf1:s, for the fame purp,ofe. So fet thou tl--ine owne ) carkaffe befor.e: the eye of . thy ., mind, anclit will mederat~ ~I:ree ~1 ftom pampering ·. it·: ~~s (fay thcm)t.his.feeding and fea(hng is but a little repairc of a rl.linous h.oufe, that mul1: downe i'bor~ . ly. I ..tf. , Con!icler. ~ how many of Goas fer vants want fome part 4• o.f. thy fLlperflutty, and how many of th~m . n~v,er·/ fate downe at ..