Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Rule~ f,: eatint, 11ndJrjnkj_ng. I at fu<;h ·a table : then follow the meditation, Who am I that I fthmi~d be fall, wheN !o many .are huagry?that I iliould abound when {o many d()e want ? how am I engaged t\l God for thaflkfillnefle ? · how ilioald I finne , to requite his love and bounty with fu~h ankindnetTe, as by it to grow wanton, idle, forgetfull ofhim mofl when he is mofl: mindefull ofme? mnfl: I eat and drinke, to rife up to play ? Oh no, I 1nun: befl:irre tne in duticsJ in which I may exprefle love fct>r love : neitHer may I finne as thofe great men, 'Amos 6. 6. who ate the fat, dranke the fweet, and had wine in b<:>wles, and forgat~ the afjiif.lionJ ()f /ofoph : no, if I eat the far, and ·- drink the fweet, I mufl: re-tnem· berto fend fo,u.part ·to them, for whom none il preparod, 7(shem. S.IO. This of the peoples eating and drinkipg.