Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Now ofthofe words, d nd rqfo ttptfJplaJ. This being a prad-ice condem- .. 1 Sports tnd ned in this people, it will. he a 1 . recreati- . qudl:ion Whether it bee not; ons,lawful ' ·. and how lawfull tg fport, or pla~ ? To ' - · which 1 anfwer: it is lawfuU :as in the former branch,not.~atiNg · ' and drinking were condemned, buttheir fi tting downe to eat arid drinke : [o in this latter.,not aU play and ipott is taxed, but tl:lcir rifing up to play: for, i . 7 here iJ d time tfJ llfugh-, £.ccle{ 3.4. but this time-, when I . . . they lay undcrthe curfe <;>fGod, . and danger offinne;was not it. ' 2. Wee are commanded to ~ · rejoycc, yet in the Lord, not a- Phil.,...4 gamft him. B~tt thefe \vere h.'ugbing, and finging, and dan- ·cing about the Calfe; in honour ofthcir Idoll. . ' 3 ~ - Recreatio.n is Gods Ordi- ~ na?-S._e for. the ri~~dfary refrefumg~ body or mmd, or both · and-the 'fitt_ing of either or both to 3