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·~----------~--------~ 32 Help1 unto felfe-deniaU. 4· Whereas the high mountaines of pride relifl: this fe1fedenia11, wee mull: labour for the grace ofhumility, which onely can bring thefe mountaines into a plaine. To which ead confider· . thy owne efta te~ 1 , 1. What it is by nature--i and that is fuch, as thou haft no caufe ·to be proud of it :as, what caufe hath a condemned rebell to bee · proud iri going to execution ? 2. 2. That it can bee no better by grace~ till thou bee humble : God gives grace onely to them ;. and t~e raines of grace fall otf the mountaines, and" water one1ythe .vallies to fruitfulneife. 3 3• . vVhat it ought to bee by ' grace. Sti11 bumble and lowly. Grace is as the light in the foulc, that difcovers all our defects and , lfpots,and an the nafl:y corners in 1 - 1 our hearts,to keep us low. · ~ • \ 4· What thou art re!l:ored to 1 in Chrift1 both in grace and glo- : l ry, ~