Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~cr~ations lawful!. 'j ---- --·------- -·- to the calling. But the !e rofe-·1 up to play, thrufl: themfelves-e;Ntof their callings,andd.iclnotlling but eat and drinke to play ; as ~any tnrne their recreations into vocations,and inteRd no.thing . elfe. 4· The Scriptures aUow,coth. - exercifes ofbody, as the ufe of th~ bo,v, 'l Sam. I. I 8. and of muficke,~h . 7 . 6 ~ ~ andoflmn~ . ting1bawking,0r ~irding,{o that fach !ports bee wi thout !wearing, diforder ,and needleff e tormenting.of the fi lly crcat'ures : As aHo exercifes.of the minde and .wit,Ji1ppofe hondl: riddles CJuJg.t4 .) and !uch games, as the ground of which is w it or skill, ChdfJ, Draughts, and the like. And farre are wee frqm di!aHowinO' any ddigb t, , which Gods \Vorcf alloi veth -his children; And as farre be it hbrrt any ChrifHan, not tG bee governed tJt bounded by Gods ; w0rd in every thing.__ Bu~ .:~