Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

( 7(fcre11ti~ns 1~-wfull. j ~-;t~-here :- tbo,ugh pi~ i and·recreation 6ee la-wful!, JU / much play arw.rfo call, u Ji:fu/1: 1 and mtteh Jinn~ /yet !I oftentimes inplaye.rttnd j}orts, lawful/ in t/,emfelvn, as our Text gives inftance. And I thinke the rule will prove generally tn1e, tba.t Chriftians doe more n1ultiply their !4nneB in ab1:1fe of things ' lawfidJ, then in adventr1ring on t~it'lgs unlawful!; and fafier doe they rivet themfelves in 'hofe linnes which lye in lawfull thing~, then in fuch ·as are eafily I convinced to be unlawfull. AR ' hard taske it is for a Teacher to \vinne Chriftians by profeffion, either fi·t1m wicked pracrices if they pleafe to call them play,oh meddle n()t witfu mine eyes ! or fi-om the nfaall Gnnes attending fuch recreattons, as in the fttb'- fiance of them arc Rot unlawfull: In both, refembling ~~~lo1 mrmJ mad-man, that cafieth darts and firebrands, and faith, Am N1tc: , In fpons is much fi~ne.