Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Am I not in fport? But a wife and teachableChri- !Han will .confine Himfelfe to Gods aUow~nce, and neither in jefl:.catch at any f0tbidden fruit, be it never lo pleafant in it felfe, or fl:rongly perfwaded; n<'r in the ufe of allowed delights, il:raine beyoncl the bounds -aBd limits of the Word; nor cemplaine of us as injurious, when we diiallow in men nothing, but \vhat God himfelfe in the Scriptures reftraineth them in. And if we will be ruled by GQd in our fports & rej oycings, \VC mutt lill:en to his diretlions, 1 • in the chGyce, ~ : in the ufe of ou.r play. . Firfi:, o1.11r cbuyc6 muft be of fp~rts in themfelves lawfull. We may not play with holy thing~, fappofe Scripture-phrafes : wee mJfl: feare the holy name (!)f Ieh()v-;,, nJt play with it : nor vvith oaths,our owne or others : nor with lots. which are ----~----------------------