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.. - .·--- Cb1yce 1tml ufe ofSports. S} I --- are apart ofthe Name of God, yea m6re folemJfthen any oath, and mutt not be vainly u!ed, er t~r recreation. Neither. on the other fide n1ay ·we play with finne, or tbings evill in them- 1 [elves, vi~. tu make one drunke or fwcare, or to langh at fuch per!ons: it is<a matter of for.. row, to fee Gods Image !o de. f~cacl, his honourable name !o difgraccd ; and 'D.;vids eyn will p( ~i; . 13 6 , <:(ufoout wit/, rivers of t.eares for !itch finnes. So in other finful merri1~1ents. Or if ,,;rec·have not 'varrant fo.r them, by get'lerall rules of the vV urd: if the lawes of the land prohibtt them,as unlawfull: if hondl: heathe;ns have on good ground condemned .them : if the Fathers and · judicious Divines have blotted and dif~ra~ ced thcm,&c. Here paafe on that rule, Phil.f 8. · And Chriftian wifedome will a Ho guide us to the choyce o t the ,