Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

5ll Chryct, And ufc of Sports~ the befl: fpots. Afpirituall1nind will chu!e fpirituall rccreati0ns, a-s a €-arnall mind will ufe carnal. And alth{)l1gh there be time and place for bodily, yet a wife ChrifHan tnufl: in the higheR: roome fet heavenly delights, , vi~. comforts of the Spirit,j )y inGod and his Word, walking i in the garden of Chrifi, where I ~ is n1oft 1\veet and ravifhing de- _Iigl;t, in hearing, reading, med.itatmg,·hol y conference; and 1n gathering and !ffielling the f weetefi flowers of knowledge, - faitb, love, h':)pe,holineffe. Here is a-profitable, a~d a Iafl:ing delight. And here is a tryall of the j conflitution of thy fou!e: the i fonle tha1~ more contents it felfe with carnall ddights,tnen tbefe, is ofa carnall con6l:itution, if ir· be fo.confl:antl y.· Secondly, when we have cho2. -Vfc law- fl: full, law.. fen warrantable iports, we mu fully. beware we 6nne not in the ufc of them. And to keepe us .from-.! _ ftnnc !