Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Choy(e and ufe if SpQrts. finne io our recreations, wee mltft looke t<H>\lr neigh!Jo.P~r, to our [elves. . I I. for~Hrneigh~ottr,therule ; ofwiidome to ~e obferved, is, we mutt wifely fort cur felves in our fports, with the m~fl: !ober' godly' and wi!e ofour de.. , gree, c~nditio11, and fort otlife, 1 that mav rather watch over as, that we bff~nd not in them,then any way draw anti provoke us .te to doe. No peftilentiall ayre fo : contagious, as where fwearers i and rioteLls gamefters are met. -: And as thy company ir, which : thou chu!e£t aRd •fefl, fo art ! thou. - 1 :.,~ / z. We muG: le~ke £arefully ~ tO()Nrfelves. · \ Firfi, for our affetlion ; that it be moderate. Wee may -•fo lawfilll fp€1rts, ·but nba lrve them. Hee that loves patlime, 1 £ball be a poere man, faith S~tlo­ : mr;n, ProTJ.z I .17. And the ApofHe co.mmaRds Chritl:ians ·to reio]et I 2 Our fclves howto be ordered in fperts. J.