Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Choy~~ AnA ~tfo of SportJ. rtio;t~ M nltreiDJChlg, 1 C1r. 7: 30. that 11, to bee fo moderate and rettired in cur joyes, as not over-value them,. nor fet affections OR them, as having greater things· to doe. Moderation 'vill.obferve due circumfl:ances: it fnffreth not a man to be given OVCf to fport, n0r to fit Up night and day, .and turne dayes into f nights, and nights intodayes, as intemperate and riotous game1 fiers doe : nor will it 1et the duties ofgenerall or fpeciall calling1 ye atide for .daies and weeks together; becaufe the leafl: eommanded thing is better than the belt that is indifferent' ana fports were .iJot' '>rdained to hinder our callings, bu.~ to fit us for them, as whetting a fythe to forward the mower j but if a mo\ver thall doe nothing but w;bet, whet,for a whole day together; w~e would fay beeis · mad,&c. Secondly, for our tnds. Our encls