Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I C hsyet 11na11{e of SportJ, ends muLl: not be, to patre the time, which· patreth whether we will or no, and we ought to reJtem6 0nr time,and not let it pafi"e without gaining fomthing lietter than it !elfe. Nor yet t6 maintaine idlerteffe, as men that 1 cannet tell wllat to doe with themfelves elfe,which isne het- ,· ter then iclleneKe; for ldlenefte is not onely not-working, but a . cloingoftrifles, and that which l we dare not bring to God in ac· ; counti. ANd is hot the cafe pi.tifull, that Chri(hans having fo much good worke todoe,and fo many mea~es, and fo many cals, and f~ little time, theuld finde ! nod1ing fo necefiaryas cards and · dice? " . I Againe, die end of fport is prefervation of our health, both offotde and body, and not to impaire the health of either ; as . man,y by watching at play' and i forgetting or forgeing their diet and refi for play, ddhoy their i ' · health