Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

!.~ - 'I(uluforSportt. I health, and call in numbers ot difeafes on themfelves,Qnd of- ' ten~i.me~ untimely death. Laft:ly,ieeing nothing can be , lawfu,ll, wherein foine glory accrewes not to God, therefore if the end .of our f}'orts be not to enable us with c~earefulnetfe in duties of Religion and Chri· , fHanity, it will all be returned as f finn~ in our reckoni.Qg. Thus of J the ends. · J · I Thirdly, we mufl: guide onr Rules tor ~ {elves in car fpcrts by rem emour fports bring thefe rules: I. That we may not recreate the outward man, put to better the in vard : for.Gods w iideine hath ub~ardinated all tnf(rio'ur things to the furthera r..ce ofthe befl: things ; the feeking af all other things (even necefiarics, m11ch more indifferent) to the _, J( ingdomeo{Gfld,and hiorighteMat.6·33 . oafoeJJe. And be wils, that all ear,thly jo.yes helpe forward out fpirituall joy, in God and ~~s Chntt,