Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

- ·-- Ruin for Sports. Chrift,and the eternall joyes of King~orne. But: when they wiH fiep in competiti(m with thefe, they are to be fnibb'd, and cafl: out. Never mufl: 0ur chiefe joy be abated for tbefe : nor our cltiefe affed:ions unfetled ofthat fulnefic of joy at Gods right hand for evermore. 2. Remember we-have aJj>irituall courfe and race to runri~, and beware we dogge not, nor cpprej{e Gur felveswtth pleafures that iaflead offpeedit1g us in our way they become tfie Divels I birdlitne to entangle us ; in which while we flutter, we are not able ta n1ountaloft in heavenly meditations, but having efcaped we are as long ir.1unf}T-~ ming and fetting otlr hearts, as would have danethe duty. 3. What- ever wee winne l or.lofe, wee muft watch h~edfully. . . Firil:, that we l~fe not O'.lr patlence, meeknefle, and hive to Aa our z. ~ What may not be lvfi in play• I.