Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

our coiJ::lpanions ; as they that fcorne,and quarrel}, and fiormc, and rage like heathens, again!l: luckt',and chance, and f0rtune; \ . ' yea,fweare and atrfe,ifnever fo little croffed, as thev that never heard 0f Religion. " Sec0ndiy, \Ve may not lofe our ggods, nor walle our fubfiance,rlOr play away more then without any do11bt or icrnl'le of \ con!cieace we may beftow en . hemdt delights ; the nece(ary · maintenance of other things, and contributions to theChurc:h and poore, firfi liberally provided for. Tbirdly,wee may not lofeour good name, w hid.1 is aprecious thing; nor runne tnto the i»famy, to bee·accounted dicen, gamell:ers, iJle perfons,orc0m- , panions with tbem;nor by rude, fcunilous,or obfcenc words or , I adioas get a.brand of arude and difordered mate. This . they ju£Hy winne, thal lafe their ma- ------~----------~------