Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

loft inpl~. ----- ·--- - - ----- maitery,and are at the CCiminand of play. ·Now ~ertainely in this V fe alone mull all recreation3 bec0me good and comfortable , though corrupt nature cannot br~oke to bee fo confi- - ned. But to thofe that are . ready to object the ule and cufiome of the world, the Apofrle anfwereth, l!1m. 1 2. 2. · FAfoion not J~Nr {elves ~tccording to this world, bHt prtJve ·-ghat Mthe good 11nd accept11hle will of God. And if ·any fay, Oh but others are of another practiee , that know more then you ; I fay, if they know not the truth of Do:- tlrine, :gow backed · by the authority of Scriptttre, they know not fa much as T, and whoieever walke not by Gods l rules, finne againft: their owne foMles. And fanct:ified hearts will im1re themtelves to hea- , Aa ~ venly