Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------- ------ painfJJll and woetld be tedious, if we were not cheared ana ft:rengthened with iuch baiu smd rcfrefhings ia the:: way. For fuch is our frailty here,that both m1r minds would grow dull and !lug_gith, and our bodies be tired out, if they fl:God al wayes bent. And therefore a mans life without pleafltres and delights is like a lo11g jaurney without lane$, in which is all travell, little or fl(!) comfort, or refrefhing. _ So that, not the u{e cf thefe things is here condemned, but the abufe oneI y, when Chri(Hans ufe them unchrifi:ianly, rather like Heathens, Atheifh, and Epicures, tken ChrifHans. As thu3 : . Fitll:, the Heathens and Atheifb abufed tiiefe thin~, for that their perfonswere unclean: Tit, I I~. To the imp~tre and unbeleeving u n~thing pure.And if thy perfon be not in Chrifr, Aa 4 reAs in He a~ them and Ei>icurcs, Foure waye5, I