Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Htathens failed ' reconciled, and by faith juftified, thou canfl: have no true pieafu~e in any thing : all true joy bemg an effed: of peace with - God, 'R.f!m. 5. 3• Thou that art in thy finnes, impenitent, lyefl: under the curfe of God; and !Z:Uilt of finne,hafi indeed another bu. tinclfe in hand than· to follow thy plea fit re : thou art like a condemned prifoner g0mg on to execution : ·a man would tbtinke he had other buftnelfe to · doe, then t<-" fray by the way to eat and drinke and maki merry, to play at cards, dice, and the Pf~l·3~ 11 i like. The Pfalmilt faith, Re- ' ioyce ye righteom: but thon that art_a wicked man, a propl<lane, carnall, and careleffe wretch, haft no call nor right to rejuyce, but rather drowne thy felfe (if it were p0ffible )in the teares of fad and timely repentance. SecondI y, the Heathens and Epicures mif.fcd in the matter of their plcafures, in that they lln-