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underfrood--oniy_ that to be plea• fure, which wa~ feniCt,aH, to. be ieene, ltcarct, ta.fl:ed; tonched,or the like. · And: ~;hatfoever- delighted their ·renfes, ihat they !wall owed a~ a: warrarttabie pleaiur-e. So the young 1\theift: is {aid· to -wal~ in the WAJn. of h:u hca?:t, And in tb~ fight of·hN eye.r, Eoclef.t I .9.And Sal&mon, when he wciuld try tlie life of an Epicure, f~ith (Chap. 2. I o.) whatfoever mine eye.r defitred, I with held it not from them, I with-drew not min~.heart fr0!D any joy. Even· fo, ,v.hen tholl 1 cardt not (in comparifon) for any higher ioy~s,tnan th'ofe thatt rnnne into thy fenfes, . what art theu b1 tt a , Chrifl:ian Atheifi? And when inffead of natural!, ' honefi,and civill pleafures, thou layall hold upon ; carnall and worldly delights, as · (arfetting and drankenneffe, . chambering and wantonaeffe, Iufi and unckanncife ; unlawfnll fports and .A_a 5 re- . --~----..:.:...:~'-----------., --