Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

recrootio.ns, \vhich tbou can£1: not warran~ by Gods word, a11cl becaufe they pleafe the fenfe and carnall minde~ .though by Gods rules and iri them1etves they be hatef~l and to be abhor-. red,y6t fl:il th~ follow ell: them; what art thou. all this while but · . an heatheniih , or brRtith Chri.. . fi~n? ~ · Thirdly, the Heath.ens ·and ·Epicurei failed, in ,that they overprized theirpleafures. making. j their belly their goa, . efteeming . V9114ptuottfnes the chiefe good, . as men that knew nQthing bet-. ter thes .the pleafures of this. life. And as they o~er-valned them in their iudgement, fe all !o they immoderately affe·Cld· j them, . a~~ exc;.~ffively ufed . them.. · ' So foppo(e thou . lay~~ hold ·' onely on lawfull and wa(ranta- . ble pleafures, bu~-- fettdl: them . FP above their hlace, as judging th~l¥ mor.e-fit~o fpend t!tpe ttp•. · on .