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on, tNCll upon CQritl:ian exerdfe$, as reading, praying, meditating ; or more worthy then the dHties of the calling, all \Vmich are necetlary, and abfolutely good, btlt thefe at the befl: are but indifferently good, l good as they ant ufed, cha~geablygood,and in ~ao high degree of' goodneO:e: What difference is there betweene thee and an AtheHt, or Epicure ? blilt this : tl)y fin ne: is 'farre greatet then his: he might fee his finne if he were taught better ~ but thou art taught better, , amd finnefi a- - gainll: thy knewlegge. Now when didl1: thou cafl: ofF thy calling by dayes or weekes together for religi0us cxercifes, as thou doeft yearely for pleafures ? How unreafonable a tnorion were it, , to call men to a faH of I 2. dayes together? when coold we -perfwade men ro it? .And yet they will tell you,tbey ~ love religi~n better then their · pleJ-