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pleafure. But beleeve them whe knowes not, that the thing a man mofi loves, he will em- / ploy moll time to enjoy. Fourthly, the.Epicurc:s failed, in that all their ple.aiures were fevered frorn religion:they chafed away thoughts ofGod: they ~enyed the refurrecrion,and beleeved no judgement to come. They thought this was the onely life, anG! therefore the befl: religion was to eat, and drinke, _, and play, and be 1nerry; to fill the skin with prefent delights,. and pt'wre ou~ themJeJves Of'On pleafures,while th<ty ceuld enjoy them : for after dearh they looked for no more pleafure, or being, then the brut~ beafls them!elves. 1 So tf thou callll: then pleafe thy felfe, _when God is fet out of fight, and out of mind: in, thy delights, thoHghts and fpeeches of God are uniavour.y: .thou art fq exetcifcd,~s thon. wouldfl: no.t hav~