Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

in delights, how.. . have God to behold·thee,. or Chrifi · to..come to thee : thou doefl: in thy eattng,drinking,and gaming fo -runne inao excefles gf furfettililg and'·drttnkenneffe, of fwearing, coveting, . w·rath and reviling, and fo layefl: th~ raynes in thy owne necke, as no bridle ofhumanity,and much le!fe religion ruleth thee ·: Wherein doft thou differ from an heatheni£h Atheilh whv(e f pleafures ar~ a3 irreligious,_ and as unfav.oury as his ? oneiy more hatefUll thet~ . his, in tltat thou knowdl: there is another . j Life and reckoning,he cloth not. 1 .fl.!;eft. Huw then may a Rules of . ChriH:ian rightly ufe thefe ge>od rigbtu.- h . ) fing natU· t mgs . raJ] .comeAnfiJJ. I . If he nfe them re- fons. Hgioufiy. Religion muPcalwates 1 J.Religi... bind him .to the good behavi- Gully._ oor, even when he lets hirnfelfe }oofe to pleafures·. Now the religious ufe of pleafures ii in three reipeel:s :_When wee. uf~ them