Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~.Soberly tltem lawflilly,by \farrantfrom God, and ar~ fure wee tafie no foreidden fruit, no unlawfull game. When we ufe them in the pr1{ence sf God, as the If- .. raelites are faid to eat :and drink before the lord : frill fettisg · GM at our right hand, and oar fdves in his tight. And wheR we o.fe them as thofe that mean to ma~ account of them to God, C'ccle[. I 1.9. Rejoyce oh young : , man, and let thy heart cheare thee in the dayes of thy youth : hat know,thatfor Alttheje thingJ ttoH mH.ft C()me to iudgeme11t. 1·. If heeufe them(oberly and weignedly : and that, both in refped: of affed:ion,meafure, , and time. - ,. - Fo:r alfeCliQn : why lhould , reafonablc men affe~ iuch de- . lights,as the natural brute beafl:s . enj@y more free I y then man,_ . and which are eaU: in commonto ga0d aHd bad, and the worfr . men en joy .tncil: ?_. If grace · fuould ~ ·