Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ilonld not carry a ClirifHans mi-nd to better delights, yet reafon at lea£1: :lhould lift hi~n .. higher, as he is but a man. W by fhould C~riO:ians affed thofe delights,w~ich they know_ not whetbcr .they fhall tafl:e of, . or no; or whether they will ICJdge with him all night? as that! Epicure, L!4/ti l.'2o-. Thou haft · ·fnot4gh,foul,,for m4117 y~are.1, , e11t, drink, And tak! tby plea-. [11re: hu.t th4t night was hu foNle r'qHiruJ of him. ·Why fh~ld a Chrifl:ian af. feet thofe things as plea£ure5~ . ·which being .ended leave Hathing behind them ?. Of Gther . e.xercifes bdide eating,drinking ·, and gaming, fo~e fi·uit: remaiNs ~fi:er them, whether in our ge- . nerall (afling,or fpeciall.. But of thefe no frHit remaines behind : t~em) bat fome fighes er pangs . of conlcieftce for wafting that.. . t~m~, that onght tQ have beene b~tter -impr-Q.y:ed and, i~ployed~ 'whjc;~_.,