Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

2 · which bath m~reet-- all the play. Thefeare thiugs to 'b-ee ~fed, but notatfetled; as it were ·n&t u!ed. As in aff':!tlion,fo in mea lure, Cl<lritl:ians mu!l: ufe them all foberly. I . B ecaufe God fo ordereth his childrero,that in this life they. thall rather tafte of thde . delights, then feed on them· : ·and he ce1:nmonl y !cants them in thefe, that they may have alarger appetite to, andmeafure in better delights, 2, . The abftem., ious u!e isibet- .. / ter then free: . frltition,_.both tor, bOOy and fo•le. / 3. Theyg-eneraUy nev:er gr~vVJ in greatneffe, but they r,emit !& much of their gooclneffe. See-in· Salomon himldfe, when hee would.addict himfelfe to pieafures and wine, how hi ~ wifedome was abated and grace ecdipfed; how he grew into.t1l'O- . / digie~s lufl;s, to get. .him · ~oo. WlV'eS, ,· ,