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of Delights. wives, and 3oo. concubines; ·I King. 1 1. 3. And therefore of voluptuous peri@ns, that will hold Bp their hearts with laughter; and immoderately follow thefe outvv:ard delights, wee 1 may fay they are mad men, and out of their minds, as S~tlomon by ·wofull experience faicl of laagbter, Thou art madne.ffc, Ecc!cj,2. 1,2. Time alfo mufl: be confidered, if we \vill ufe thef~ ~elights foberly. There is an ap- . pointed time for l~tughttr, and forweepi.ng: ecc/ef.3·4· 'There are times of fttfting, ancl time$ Glf [eafling. The ricfu Glutton was cunvitl'ed ofintemperance that he went in purple, and fared deliciout1y every daJ. He did not difringuilh of times, as h®ly fobriety would have taught him. And fo it tcacheth us: I. That the time of Gods worlhip is no time for unneceffary pleafures ; becaQfe there li Times un... feafonable for fports· I