Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------~ i~ a better delight enjoyned. ~~ That W6rking-dayes are neither wholly nor principally , the dayes ef pleaf~re and delight : not being appointed for recreation, but occupation and the calling. Yot:t mull: either prove your gammg an occupation, or lay it alide and fall t~ yQ¥Ir vocations ; or elie goe on (as 'many of you doe) to play away y@ur dayes and lives, in de!pight of Gods Words and fervant&. Preached at !tdi~eg, in Decem. ber,U&J, 3; That dayes of forrow and humiliation are on. times to addiet our felves to narurall and civill delights. · . Fer our particular dt~tes.Are we obnoxious t:o fo maay miferies, loaded with fo many fins, be!et with fo many enemies, · · a.nd yet evea now fet upon a merry pinne? C.artainly ~o\V to be given to plealures, ddfers not much from madnetfe. I~ our Towne fo affHded, o~r poore ------~--------~------~