Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

poore fo dellitute, and yet we £till feed up otar hearts _with merriments and pa_flimes ? It wercgrotle fenfiefne.tfe. F0r the publike efiate. Is the Church ()f God in diflrell'e ? doe the enemies breake downe the carveel worke of the San.. Cl:uary ? is the Arke of God and. my L0rd J~J,. in the fielas? geod Yri~th ' canmot! now goe home, and take his lawfull delights, though the King com~ mand him fo to doe. All evils; atbom~ an~ abroad:l- arefo IQ~ .. ny trumpets ~lowne by ,tbe lord for G>Ut humiliation. And ifnow, when he l0'wclly calls ns to meurning, weeping, baldne fie and facke·doth, yet fiill1 there be joy and gbdneffe, fiaying of Oxen, killing of tbeepe, eating of flelh, anel drinking of wine, what followe.s. ? Sur~ly thu iniqfllit) foal/ not hee J1urgetl from m ti!/~t dJe·,{Aitb thuL~rti ofh9flJ, E(a. 2 1· I 1, t 3, I 4• -- And --