Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------·----------- Right ends oflawfu/1 libertiu. 5 37 the more the fi:rives, the furer the is. Satan eatcheth tnore by lawfull liberties,than by malawfull. Secondly~ we mufl: carefully watch cur owne corruptions ; who can ea!ily opprdfe our !elves by furfetting and drunkennefie, and that day come on us uRawares; and pervert goad things to bad ends. Now the right eNds in the ufe of all our lawfrtllliberties, are, t. To be matter of Gods praife, for his bflunty and mercies towa~d us : Right ends o£ our libcrbcrties. 2. Tu fet us forward in our ' Chrifiian race, and fit p-c to the duties of piety. Take .heed of all that eating, drinking, and playing, which u:afiu thee for Gods 1ervice,&c. 3· To refrelh us, and fweeten our labour, . . ) when body or_mind is lilely to ' be opprf ffed w1th Hudy or la- ,, ' bour. f< ut ro purfue pafiimes too eagerly is utterly u.r11awfull; or when they that need leaft, play me!l,J I