Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 Right ewJs ~~,an.cfi~fte;d offu~fe;··of labour, iurfet of idlenefte,eating, drinking,and paflirne. 4· To pnt &&s in minde of thoie lafhng, eternall, and uncenceiveable pleafures, referved at the right hand of God for us. For, ifthe . pleafures of our prifon bee fo fweet, \vhat are thofe in our palace ? and, if they be·fuper- l excellent, wifdome w·ill make J us watchfull that we hinder not I our felves from thofe by thefe. LatHy, wemull watch carefully againft evill cempanies, drunJiards, and ~ameft:ers, who are principall factors for the divell. Fot being overtaken themfelYes, they never ceafe · to make others the childreN of hell like themfelves, and rejoyce in evill. Take heed of drnnkards, a kinde of divellifh poyfomers, who have skill to poyfon both foule and b&dy together.. It is Saint A'$brofl his cemparifcm; Thou pretnu/tjl t1 . rt~tcb