Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

511 7 he Phyfici~n ofSou/(s. ---- ---~--~ I ·and praCl:icz~s, to wotuld . th~m :' in their names, eCtat~s,· :or per- ·fons. F~r all 'wicked rhen ··are . led-by one fp1rit agatnfr . ~hr~tt. NotC: 3 . . But marke :. they" ·want no . Preter~c:s . fatre pretences~ · WJ1at? a rn.£h ever rea· ~oteffing .fiteh 1HiCl:nt{fe and dy agctinfi t'holineffc,to eat,~nd drinke···and good mcn,_ loefa~iliar . \Jtth fl.nnes? r may not a 1nan by a mans -comp~t:fy · · know \vho and what he is ? A plauGble reafon, and tn1e i'n tke .. f'ene~all, bat maliciouQy· and ·falfly applyed·to this part!cti.lar. So wicked 1-nen have their ,pretences plaufible en0ugh ·: Oh they fiand for the Ch1:1rch, for heHn.erre, for"<5ods fervic,e, :and , piety, ·(or erdet-, 1 fo.rchat;ity('' ; \cvhen'all th!.t whiFe theY,'i~tena I mi'fchiefe again!l:'-Chrift and· Ois I Ordinances. ; · · .· Marke agai~·e: .If. they can- ~~; a~; not accnfe ~~~Ti ~fev,ill,~hex:c~~ cufcd for I for;vell-dotJ)g; ~5_ het~, fo.~~~x~ wd doing erctfing his calHng ~: fam~t.mc$ at lc.tft. for carting 6ut divels: 'f6me- . _ ·. · _ times ---r-