Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I ~ The Pl.;jitia" •f S•llit1, 1 times for working miraclt'! on i the Sabbath d~y, as a man withI . f>tlt confcience of the Sabbath. And indeed, what are the mof1: f accufations of enemies againrt Geds fervants, but for the pcrfonnance 0ftheirduty, anri ex- .crcife f'f their calling,eithc:r ge- ·nerall vr plrticular. I [afHy, thefe men had lear- , ning, gifts, authority* .\vealth, the key of knowledge; but all bent againfl: Chrifr, and his Go-:: lpell, and \eligi~n, and g~e. So wicked me!l: loake whatfo- ·ev'er 1neane$, \vealth,authonty, 543 ~le 5· In wicked me'n nll good is turned a· gain fl: gcod•. ,.er .Place t.h~y have, all is bent agatnfi Chnfi: and grace, and re- , .ligiQnmufl:.looke fie>r no helpe _. ..toor~, bnt thinderance and reGflance. 7 ... Now Chrifl: in this verfe anfwereth the challenge.The qHe1 fiion was nDt propounded to lditim, but to his ·Difciples : y(t 1\,he takes on hiJn to anf\ver fc:r them : . where he &ewes ht$ , B a a reaChrifl so:::· fwers fbll f'->r his