Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

544 Rom S 33 ! Paruof our Sa v i~ ou rs an· : [wcr. I readineffe to take all oLtt caufes o~ himfelfe - ~ Oh we ferve a - g<Jed Lerd, who is able and willing to fl:op the mouth-of Satan, hell, the law, and all .Calumniators, who call in quefii()n ·our righteoufneffe, and will in the lafi day much tnGre acquit tts 6f all accufations, and make our innocency fhine as at nolln-.day. Feare l'lOt aGcufcrs .: it it G1J thAt iuftifieth. If the Difciplcs cannot anfiver f'Jr themfelVC'I, Chri!t cafl and will. In this an fiver, {·;- ~e blamcth the~ of hypocrifte~ who tho~aght themftlves f0 ja.fr, as that all other were--fi.nners bdide themfelves: j ::? :~~:d;;;;~~;[C~;:;.; Thejick.._e need thePh]Jician:'&i~. " I came not amongfiftnncrs, to ' ' bouHter them up in their fin$., ' 'but to helpe them cat and :he ale