Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

"healethem. It is my calling, ' 'being tbe P hyfici.an of (ou/~f, "to be among !.inners. Where "{hquld the Phyficianbce, but "amo~gl1 his Patients? Thtis our Lurd by his anf wer ~ if he can doe them no geod,yct doth g~od to thc.tnith, confirmeth lolis Dikiples, j:.1f1ifieth him!elre, convoinceth his enes4s mies: vVhich 'by Gods over- l rulmg.power is the end of all · 1 ' 1~ thh r r;nd {i . f' l I h. l . 1 u u r r·a. r s oppo 1tlon o t 1C trut 1, W 1C 1l11 by cpl;di - thc concluflotl. mufi be no lofer ,.. 1 ri" ·1. ·but aga!!ler and conquerer. . I The fext hath three parts : j Parrs of 1 the Patio1ts : l• the Fhyfician=. the Tt:xt 3, the Cure. 1 The Patients ar~ propomtdcd 1 I Patlo: nts Negatively :not the who!~. Affinnativd y: lntt the fie k:. f<!!eft. Is any man whole? .Anfw. I. No man is whole by n~turc : in ~dam all are W1;o are deadly ficke. No n1an doth whole, ;~r, d good, nu flOt one. God bath huw. I conch.ide·d all dead in finnr•. O»-· 1 B.b 3. ly I - ------ - -·--.. · · ---- __ .,. ..- ... .,._...--- ._.