Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ly fume are he:tled bv grace, ~s Simeon, loflph, H~t~J~~a, Z11clue- I ry, ani tbe It\ e . I 2. Some are w,h~lc in conceit oRely, and thinke rhc:-n-~ felves faund, juf.t, and holy enough : as did thefe Scribes and j Pharifer, who needed no P-hyi fician: they no n1Qre faw their need vf a Phyfician, tl\cn they hw tbcir GckncB.e. And thus · .I t\here be m:tny whole men in I the world,a.nd almofl: al men are generally whole in thde daie~. Hef7 ·9· Ephraim!aw not his gray lu1ires, nQl" the cenfumpti-j on of hi1 tl:rength. Revel.~.~ 7 . I Laodicta faith, fhet is ri~h, ttnd , , ·o tzeeds nothiH6'. Tb~ Pharific t Ui.<.Jo , I I .-:. I , blcfreth God he is n!Jt tU 1thers: . he ieeth in him!el fe no hypo- ' crifie,nor pride, f'ler contempt cf others : he is a whole man. Ci~iliry Many a cwill ma'n liveth h€>- rnh~~<elc~mcn nefHy : he dorh n.o man barme: r tn e . l · .b d fl ' · Lb chemfc)V"es 1e lS elove 0 US DetgH OUts: ·•hole. J he keeps the Commandeme::s I