Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

/ The Pb_rjici11n ofSoule.r. ~ 4 7 I ! as well as , G,od \vill give-hin1 --·- ·~:ave. This mans cafe (in his I owne conceit) is found and ;·good, 6lnd he hcpcs he fhalllivc 11n his r~ghteou fnefle. . And pr~:- ~ And m tho1::1fands, pre!umptl- fump •ion. ~ on is as .a cha.t.~e to .the nccke ; vvP.o tell us ~hey ~eve Cod with i all theivh~arts, have a fl:rung 1 fajt-h; 11cver had any dNJbt they ~anke God, no not fo n1uch as /any gntdging:; ofunbdeefe, and it w~re pitty he 0;1ould live that dQubteth of his falvaticm. Thefe are ·found men and ?:¥hole : but, as tpey never bdeeved,fo they never bewailed their-m fidelity, neyer ~roaned under the burthen of their finnes,are enemies to G_od, to his W ord,to all rit;hteoufneffe ;. worldlings,oppreffors,. dece~vers, fwearers, curftrs,otherwife abominable ; yet fhll fcund and whole men in · ·ithe~r owne conceit. ' ) a d h . d h .r f . 1 nn t c An aoot e.r c~ute o c0ncel~ i exrcnua I ted fotmdnefle, 1s, the extemta- 1 ting of f:n ! ._______ .Bb 4 _ ti<i>n.___,___